Tag Archives: coffee

Canvas at Nobby Beach

After a big week at uni and catching up on study, the boy and I thought we should treat ourselves to a lunch date. A ridiculously late breakfast meant that we actually weren’t at all hungry, so we decided to make a trip to Nobby beach to have a wander and try out a cafe that a friend recommended – Canvas.


To read the rest of this post – Come visit me at my new address : fizzleout.com.au


Filed under coffee, life

three and a half

Last week we celebrated  ‘three and a half’ years together, but rather than spending the morning sleeping in and eating breakfast in bed, Kris had to rush off for a placement at a relationship counseling organisation (coincidence much? haha).

I was tempted to spend the morning studying, but thankfully took the more exciting option of heading off to the beach with my book and waiting for Kris to finish so that we could meet for lunch.

It was beautiful weather and a perfect morning, that only could have been made more perfect if my lover was by my side.

I didn’t have too long to wait before we met up at Vintage Espresso and were sipping on coffee, chatting about relationship dynamics and just enjoying the rest of the day together.

The coffee was fabulous…and we are super fussy with our coffee so that is saying a lot!  I loved their cute little mis-matched cups and saucers too.

I can highly recommend the roast veggie pizza, it was the perfect veggie: dough ratio (ie. stacks of veggies on a thin base).

Look at that sweet face… I will never get tired of looking at it!

We went for a stroll down at the beach and my wonderful man snapped off a few quick photos of me in the pretty floral vintage number I picked up at the Village Markets from Bird and Rose Vintage.

Thanks for always making me laugh lover!  I love you to bits!

Photos of me by: Kris

Other photos from: my camera


Filed under fashion, life

weekends in west end

We spend so much time in West End that it would really make more sense to live there.  I just can’t wait until the bridge (and my bike) is finished and we can go on leisurely weekend rides and enjoy the perfect weather and the scenery and continue ‘treasure hunting’ for street art around our city.

There are always such interesting stickers on the back of signs.

photos from: my camera

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Filed under graffiti